We’ve all said it – “they just don’t make things like they used to.” Well, the truth is, most appliance companies don’t…but Huebsch isn’t most companies. Our commercial quality pedigree has been built over more than 110 years in Ripon, Wisconsin. While you might buy on that pedigree, true peace of mind comes in performance and reliability. We believe that when you spend hard-earned dollars on a major appliance it should reward you with decades of even harder work. Rest assured; Huebsch will deliver nothing short of that.

Want to have some fun with the appliance salesperson at a big box retailer? Tell them you want a seven-year warranty. Then tell them you want it to cover not just parts, but IN-HOME labor. That conversation will be entertaining, but not very fruitful. We have always taken the lead in providing the industry’s best warranties. Today, that means three-, five-, and seven-year bonds. You buy Huebsch for peace of mind and performance. We want to make sure you feel comfortable and supported for the long haul.

We can walk you through all the details on our five-step product development process and the gates along the way. But let’s face it, you would rather hear about how we make sure our commercial quality products live up to the legend. You want to know that we use fluid-filled balance rings, heavy-duty springs and a solid-steel base to ensure the best out-of-balance tolerance on our top load washers. You probably want to hear that we test our electronic controls to one million depressions…yes, we actually do. We engineer for the harshest environments then beat the heck out of the machines in our world-class test lab.

American Quality
Pop quiz: what happens when 3,000+ employees unite in one mission to produce the highest quality laundry equipment on the planet? The answer: 10,400+ cycles of performance. It might seem like just washing and drying to others, but for us, laundry is all we do, and we are committed to giving you nothing but the pinnacle of quality. Do we have to dry giant rolls of duct tape continuously for hundreds of hours in our test lab? Well, the lab techs who must listen to that thumping, would say no…or at least not every day. As a company, however, we know that pushing limits is how we deliver the highest quality products. Oh, and it’s kind of cool to see what happens to those rolls of tape.

Commercial Heritage
You think your laundry day is hectic? Imagine the demands of Huebsch washers and dryers in a busy laundromat. Eight to 10 cycles a day often is the norm. This is where our commercial quality is put to the test and has been since we started. While we’ve domesticated our commercial machines a bit for your home and removed the coin box, they are every bit as heavy duty. We test our commercial quality machines to 10,400 cycles or roughly 25 years of life in an average household. As for that coin box, well, if you choose to do it, you can always add that back on yourself if you want to charge your college student returning home on the weekend with a giant pile of dirty clothes.
See the Math

Pet Plus™
If you’re like many households that own at least one pet, you know that when it comes to pet hair on clothing – the struggle is real. And that struggle is more than your dollar store lint roller is going to manage. We get it. Our employees have pets too and asked why can’t we develop cycles specifically for pet items. Especially, knowing that 43 percent of pet owners use pet hair on clothes as a barometer of their cleanliness. Huebsch’s Pet Plus cycles offer consumers a highly effective solution for removing hair and keeping all items looking…and smelling great. We’ve put these cycles to the test in animal shelters, service dog facilities and the most challenging, a Great Pyrenees rescue. Bottom line: these cycles delivered in pilot testing in commercial environments and they will for you as well. Come on, is your pet hair situation gong to top the challenge of laundry from eight Great Pyrenees?

Huebsch Perfect Wash™
The average family spends almost $2,000 a year on clothing. By anyone’s viewpoint, that’s not a throwaway spend; that’s an investment. So, why would you opt for anything less than the best care possible for that investment? Huebsch Perfect Wash™ provides a better clean that’s gentle on your clothes. This innovative system links the agitator and tub to provide a gentle, but highly effective, wash action that leverages the power of water to clean. Essentially, it moves water through the clothes…providing a premium wash that safeguards your family’s clothing investment, keeping items looking good for years to come.

Over-Dry Protection
We get it, there’s nothing more annoying than opening the dryer door and finding the load isn’t dry. That’s why for years, many of us have dried to the maximum time to head off that scenario. Problem is that over-drying is not good for your laundry. With our Over-Dry Protection feature, we take all we’ve learned on the commercial side and apply it to our Consumer model. That means drying to a set level and then deploying our commercial cooldown technology. Bottom line: better care for your clothes and linens, thereby extending their lives.

The highest level of clean has never been more important. We have made this a priority. So, our highest level of clean starts with temperature in the washer. When you want “hot,” you get exactly that – a hot water wash. Other manufacturers might still mix water for a “hot” wash. Huebsch gives you a true hot water wash – as hot as it comes out of your water heater – because we know hot temps are the best line of defense in killing bacteria. We take it even further by giving you a sanitize cycle on the dryer and a steam sanitize (DR7 model).

Worst parts of doing laundry? Folding and ironing. Well, our steam feature can help you with half of that. Our DR7 model leverages the power of steam and offers a variety of life-simplifying features. From a steam refresh to get you out the door fast in a shirt that looks and smells good, to static reduction (toss those dryer sheets in the garbage) to steam boost and steam sanitize, we’ve got so many challenges met. As for the folding…well, at least you won’t find socks stuck to things when you’re doing it…you know, because of the no-static thing.